About services
Students usually do some research about their study options and most are aware of where this career path might ultimately lead, but what if there are other opportunities that have not been explored that may lead to the goal more quickly or may suit their needs better? We offer an extensive range of courses from esteemed and well recognised educational providers in all the major Capital Cities in Australia as well as regional centres. We offer courses from IT through to Nursing. We can also provide students with options to do Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (STEM) courses. These courses can lead to a pathway to Australian Permanent Residency.
What course to study?
There are many factors that need to be explored:
- Are you going to get the desired results from the course ?
- Are you interested in the subjects you will be studying?
- Are you going to find this course gratifying?
- Will you find the course stimulating enough to stay for the years required to complete the study?
- Is the course too complex for your current knowledge?
We can help you answer these questions and explain your options. We have many years of experience in helping students achieve their ultimate goals. Some of the types of courses we can counsel you on are:
- Graduate Courses
- Post Graduate
- Courses Trade Courses
- Vocational Courses
- Research Courses

Where to study?
Where to study can be just as important as what to study. Your choice of educational provider and location can be a huge factor in determining your suitability to proceed with an application to Australian residency. It is critical to know what areas are in search of your skillset and which would ultimately give you the better chance of becoming an Australian Permanent resident.
We can go through your study history and establish which course is the best fit for your needs.
Which course will bring you closer to your goals?
Are there courses which may suit you better? Or is there a course you feel is best to study but need to discuss it? We can help get you to your ultimate goals, a career path, a new life and a possibility at permanent residency in Australia.
We can help you look at all your options from what to study to where to study and what will give you the best options to attain your goals.
The courses are many and varied, they range from IT to through to Nursing. We can also provide students with options to do Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (STEM) courses. These courses can lead to a pathway to Australian Permanent Residency.
Contact Us if You Are Looking for a Course Advise
Need a consultation? Appointments for all services can be made Call +61 2 98069910